Power Movers: Rising Through the Ranks
Armstrong Builders Vice President Marc Putnam says late entry into construction fueled his drive to succeed.
Marc Putman

Marc Putman knows what it means to rise through the ranks ever since graduating with a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering management in 2011.

After gaining professional experience as an engineer and superintendent at Kiewit Corp., Putman joined Armstrong Builders LLC as an assistant project manager. Since then, he’s worked his way up to his current position as Armstrong Builders vice president and equity partner — all in less than five years since joining the company. 

He also serves as a board member for the Hawaiʻi chapter of the Building Industry Association.

QUESTION: How have you seen yourself grow professionally?

ANSWER: I entered the building industry later in life than many of my peers and knew I needed to accelerate my career growth to get to a point in my life and work for long-term success. 

Joining the construction industry in my early 30s allowed me to bring a unique set of work experiences to the table as an entry-level professional. This, combined with a targeted educational background, has given me opportunities to rapidly grow my career. 

Professionally, I’ve moved from being an assistant project manager to project manager, then senior project manager and now vice president and equity partner at Armstrong Builders. This journey has honed my skills in construction management, proposal and design management, estimating and value-added engineering. 

Initially, I was a high-output producer, focusing on delivering projects efficiently and effectively. However, as I’ve advanced in my career, my outlook has shifted to a more long-term perspective, focusing on the role I play in the company’s future. This includes business and staff development, as well as contributing to the growth of the construction industry in Hawaiʻi in broader terms.

Q: Which projects have had the biggest impact in your career?

A: One of the most impactful projects in my career has been the Lau Hala Shops renovation in Kailua. This was the first project I managed with Armstrong Builders, and it was both high-profile and fast-paced. 

The project involved transforming a 65-year-old department store building into a multi-tenant retail center. Working with the developer Alexander & Baldwin and various trade partners, we faced numerous technical challenges. Our goal was to preserve the building’s modernist lines and brickwork while incorporating new design elements, shapes and landscaping. 

One of the most challenging aspects was exposing the building down to its base structural elements and following a very specific structural modification sequence. This included significant structural modifications, new mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems and an exterior facelift.

Throughout this project, I learned the importance of being a good partner and team player. Executive leadership at Armstrong Builders gave me a long leash, allowing me to manage the project fairly independently, which was instrumental for my growth. It was a pivotal experience that shaped my approach to construction management and reinforced my dedication to building a better future for our communities.

Q: What has contributed most to your fast rise in the professional ranks?

A: I attribute my fast rise in the professional ranks to a combination of mentorship, drive and the supportive culture at Armstrong Builders. The key figure in my journey has been our company president, Jim Keller. His mentorship has been the cornerstone of my development, giving me opportunities to take on more responsibility and encouraging me to grow.

Armstrong Builders has a deep-seeded culture of developing talent from within, and I have greatly benefited from this. All of our current project managers have been promoted from within the company, which speaks to our commitment to nurturing and advancing our team members. My rise has been faster, but it’s a testament to the opportunities provided by the company and the trust placed in me by our leadership. 

When I realized the potential for advancement to executive leadership within Armstrong Builders, it was hard not to get fixated on what that would look like. However, I knew that the key to success was to put my head down, focus on doing the right thing, and let opportunities and growth come from that dedication.

Pursuing a global MBA from the University of Hawaiʻi’s Shidler College of Business was a strategic move that our executives supported at every step; I knew I had to complete it quickly and effectively, much like our approach to projects at Armstrong Builders — doing it well and fast.

Q: What were some of your biggest professional challenges? 

A: Starting my career later in life presented a unique set of challenges that I had to overcome in the construction industry. One of the biggest hurdles was the need to accelerate my professional growth and development to catch up with peers who had been in the industry longer. This urgency was a driving force behind my decision to pursue my global MBA while working full-time, and to seek out opportunities for rapid advancement. 

When I was at my previous company, I was interested in pursuing business development, but I realized that the opportunity for quicker growth resided with Armstrong Builders. Joining Armstrong meant making a significant shift from working on technical infrastructure projects to focusing on residential and commercial construction. This transition often felt like drinking water from a fire hose — there was so much to learn and adapt to in a short period. 

The fast-paced environment of Armstrong Builders demanded that I quickly get up to speed with the nuances of the residential and commercial sectors. This involved not only understanding the technical aspects but also mastering the complexities of client relationships, project management and business development. 

These challenges were flush with opportunities for growth.

Q: What advice would you give a young professional?
A: My advice to young professionals just starting out is to focus on identifying and developing the skill sets that will set you apart from your peers. In today’s competitive environment, having a unique combination of skills can significantly enhance your career prospects. 

First and foremost, think logically and critically about your work and the information that comes across your workflow — don’t just push tasks from one step to the next without thinking about the big picture. 

It’s essential to not only understand the information, but also to analyze it effectively to make informed decisions. Critical thinking will help you navigate complex projects and identify potential issues before they arise.

Embrace opportunities for continuous learning and improvement. Whether it’s pursuing further education, seeking out mentorship or taking on challenging projects, always strive to expand your knowledge and capabilities. This proactive approach will not only help you grow but also demonstrate your commitment and drive to your colleagues and superiors.

Lastly, cultivate humility, resilience and adaptability. The construction industry, like many others, is constantly evolving. Being able to adapt to new technologies, methodologies and market conditions will ensure you remain relevant and valuable throughout your career.

Q: What are you looking forward to in the future?

A: Professionally, my primary goal is to ensure Armstrong Builders’ success for the last several decades continues for the next 50 years. I am committed to ensuring the company continues to grow, innovate and maintain its reputation for excellence in the construction industry. This involves not only focusing on current projects but also planning for long-term success by nurturing our talent, fostering strong partnerships and adapting to industry changes.

Personally, I am deeply invested in putting down roots in our community. It’s important to me that my family, including my stepdaughter and son, have a supportive and thriving environment to grow up in. I want to contribute to making our community a great place for families to live and prosper. 

This involves participating in local initiatives, supporting community development and ensuring that what I do matters — I want to leave a positive impact through both my work and personal efforts.

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