ProsPac Holdings Group collected 854 pounds of non-perishable food items, and a total of $19,426.81 in monetary contributions, during a recent food and funding drive to support the Hawai‘i Foodbank.
Collected over a three-day period at Azure Ala Moana, the donation will allow the Hawai‘i Foodbank to provide over 42,000 meals to hungry individuals, families and kūpuna across the state.
“We’re grateful for everyone who participated in our food and fund drive to help Hawai‘i Foodbank,” said ProsPac Holdings Executive Vice President Rick Stack in a statement. “Far too many people in our community are food-insecure, and together, we can make a difference in the lives of local families this holiday season.”

Nearly one in three households in Hawai‘i are food-insecure according to the Hawai‘i Foodbank, meaning that they are unable to access the food needed to thrive. Through its efforts working with a network of partner agencies and affiliates, the Hawai‘i Foodbank was able to distribute food for 17.7 million meals in 2023.
“Hawai‘i Foodbank serves over 160,000 people every month — numbers our state has not seen since the peak of the pandemic,” said Amy Miller Marvin, president and CEO of Hawai‘i Foodbank. “The continued support from organizations like ProsPac and our entire community is deeply appreciated and allows friends, families and neighbors to put food on the table.”